Academic Resources

Maximize Your Education

Make the most of your education with the University's extensive academic resources. The Office of Graduate Education is connected with each academic unit and support office, and our team is here to help support and ensure the success of our graduate students.

Important Forms

  • Change of Graduate Program Form

    This form is to change a major, concentration, location, or delivery mode within the same college/school/unit.

    Download Form

  • Continuous Enrollment Form

    This form is submitted once you have completed all coursework requirements and are working on academic work/research necessary to complete the degree. Examples of non-coursework requirements include a dissertation, thesis, research paper/capstone, portfolio, exhibition, or recital.  For more information, read the Continuous Enrollment Policy

    This form is housed in DocuSign and once the student completes their portion, the form is automatically sent to the faculty advisor to complete and then on to the Office of Graduate Education for review.  If approved for continuous enrollment, the Office of Graduate Education will send the CRN for each quarter when registration opens and the student will then need to register themselves for continuous enrollment.

    Fill out form

  • Formal Dual Degree Form

    This form is filled out by students pursuing a dual degree listed under the Formal Dual Degree section in the Graduate Bulletin.

    Download Form

  • Flexible Dual Degree Form

    This form is filled out by students proposing a flexible dual degree program that links two master's degrees or a master's degree and a JD degree. The flexible dual degree policy and other relevant information can be found in the Graduate Bulletin.

    Download Form

  • Graduate Course Substitution or Waiver Approval Form

    This form should be submitted after your department has approved a deviation from the published coursework degree requirements, such as waiving or substituting a course.

    Download Form

  • Medical Leave of Absences

    Medical Leave of Absence requests are managed in the Office of Student Outreach and Support. Student Outreach and Support can be contacted at or 303.871.4724.

    Read the Medical Leave of Absence Policy.

  • Personal Leave of Absences

    A graduate student who wants to take time off from the University must fill out the "Withdraw from DU" form in My4D. Read more about taking a temporary withdrawal on the Office of the Registrar's webpageThe Personal Leave of Absence Policy can be found here.

  • Transfer of Credit Form

    This form should be submitted once you have been approved by your department to transfer credit earned outside of DU towards your current degree program. For more information, read the Transfer of Credit Policy

    Download Form

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The Graduate Bulletin is updated annually and includes information on degree requirements, academic policies, standard procedures, course descriptions and student services.

Graduate Bulletin
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Writing Center

The University Writing Center works to create and sustain a robust culture of writing on the DU Campus. Stop in for a free 45-minute consultation with our multidisciplinary staff. The Writing Center works with writers at all stages of the writing process individually and in groups.

Writing Center
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Disability Services Program

Our Disability Services Program is dedicated to giving students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in the University’s programs, courses and activities.

Disability Services
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The Registrar helps students sign up for classes and review academic progress. They also provide a variety of policies and procedures that can help you navigate through your time as a DU students.

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University Libraries

The University of Denver Libraries strive to provide outstanding collections and services to the University and Denver community. Anderson Academic Commons brings DU's most extensive on-campus collection and popular academic support services together in one convenient location.



Schools & Colleges

Connect with your school or college to learn about any specific policies or procedures related to your program of study.

Schools & Colleges

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Mark important dates on the academic calendar.

Academic Calendar

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Academic Grievances

Learn how to petition for unit-​level exceptions, complaint procedures for discrimination or harassment, external agencies and academic grievances and appeals. 

Academic Grievances
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Grade Appeals

If you have grievances regarding a grade outcome, learn what qualifies as merit to complain and how to submit a formal grievance. 

Grade Appeals
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Student Complaints

We listen when our students are struggling. Find the procedures to submit grade appeals, tuition appeals and other university policy-related grievances.

Student Complaints
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Academic Exceptions

All students are expected to observe the academic policies and practices set forth in the University Bulletin. However, in instances of documented extraordinary circumstances, a student may request an exception to a policy or practice.

Academic Exceptions
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Tuition Appeals

If you're forced to stop attending classes by circumstances beyond your control, you may appeal for an exception to the University's refund policy.

Learn More

Withdrawal Information

The Office of the Registrar will provide you with all the support and guidance you need to navigate the withdrawal process.

Learn More
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Get all your textbooks and Pioneer gear at the University bookstore.

